flatten pkg
Signature: pkg:CftPackage -> AstElement list
Flattens the object graph of a package into a list of AstElement values
getConnectionManagerByName name
Signature: name:String -> AstElement list -> CfConnectionManager
Get a connection manager by name from a flattened package
getExecutableByPath path
Signature: path:string list -> AstElement list -> CftExecutable
Get an executable by path from a flattened package
getPipelineComponentByPath path
Signature: path:string list -> AstElement list -> DfComponent
Get a pipeline component by path from a flattened package
getVariableByPath path
Signature: path:string list -> AstElement list -> CfVariable
Get a variable by path from a flattened package
map mapper pkg
Signature: mapper:(AstElement -> T option) -> pkg:CftPackage -> CftPackage
Performs a deep transformation on a package.
The mapper can remove, replace or add elements to the package. Removing elements
is achieved by returning a value of None. Values should always be returned of the same
element type as the type matched.The mapping is performed hierarchically, with parents being transformed before
children. This allows new children to be injected and subsequently transfomed.It is possible to chain transformations as often as desired, however the translation
is most efficient when transformations are combined into a single mapper function.