
Namespace: Chimayo.Ssis.Ast.DataFlowApi

API for creating and manipulating XML Source components

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
add_output output
Signature: output:DfXmlSourceOutput -> DfComponent -> DfComponent

Adds an output to an XML Source component

add_outputs outputs
Signature: outputs:DfXmlSourceOutput list -> DfComponent -> DfComponent

Adds multiple outputs to an XML Source component

Signature: DfComponent -> DfComponent

Remove all output definitions

create name adapters
Signature: name:string -> adapters:(DfComponent -> DfComponent) list -> DfComponent

Create a new instance of an XML Source pipeline component and then apply a series of transformations

define_column (...)
Signature: name:string -> dataType:DfDataType -> clrType:string -> errorOutputDataType:DfDataType -> errorDisposition:DfOutputColumnRowDisposition -> truncationDisposition:DfOutputColumnRowDisposition -> DfXmlSourceOutputColumn

Define a column for an XML Source output

define_output name rowset columns
Signature: name:string -> rowset:string -> columns:DfXmlSourceOutputColumn list -> DfXmlSourceOutput

Define a new XML Source output

Signature: string -> string

String printer for deriving output names from a rowset ID

Signature: DfComponent -> DfXmlSourceConfiguration

Alias for ingress

Signature: DfComponent -> DfXmlSourceIntegerMode

Get the integer mapping mode

Signature: DfComponent -> DfXmlSourceOutput list

Get the outputs defined on this XML Source component

Signature: DfComponent -> DfXmlSourceMapping

Get the XML source location

Signature: DfComponent -> DfXmlSourceSchemaSource

Get the XML schema location

set_integer_mode integerMode
Signature: integerMode:DfXmlSourceIntegerMode -> DfComponent -> DfComponent

Set the integer mappping mode

set_source source
Signature: source:DfXmlSourceMapping -> DfComponent -> DfComponent

Set the XML source location

set_xml_schema xmlSchema
Signature: xmlSchema:DfXmlSourceSchemaSource -> DfComponent -> DfComponent

Set the XML schema location