
Namespace: Chimayo.Ssis.Ast.DataFlowApi

Functions to support working with pipeline components

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
add_component component model
Signature: component:DfComponent -> model:DfPipeline -> DfPipeline

Adds a pipeline component to a DfPipeline instance, checking for name conflicts

Signature: DfComponent list -> DfPipeline -> DfPipeline
Type parameters: 'a

Adds multiple pipeline components to a DfPipeline instance, checking for name conflicts

component_name_is_equal name
Signature: name:String -> DfComponent -> bool

Compare the name of a pipeline component to a provided value

component_ref component
Signature: component:DfComponent -> DfComponentReference

Build a DfComponentReference from a pipeline component

decode_input_column_ref _arg1
Signature: _arg1:DfInputColumnReference -> string * string * string

Extract the components of a DfInputColumnReference into a tuple of pipeline component name, output name and column name

decode_input_connection _arg1
Signature: _arg1:DfInputConnection -> string * string * string

Extract the components of a DfInputConnection into a tuple of input name, pipeline component name and output name

deref_input_column_ref (...)
Signature: sourceColumnRef:DfInputColumnReference -> model:DfPipeline -> DfNamedEntity * DfNamedEntity * DfDataType

Translates an instance of DfInputColumnReference to a tuple of output name, output column name and output column data type

Signature: DfPipeline

An empty DfPipeline instance

get_components model
Signature: model:DfPipeline -> DfComponent list

Gets the pipeline components of a DfPipeline instance

get_description c
Signature: c:DfComponent -> string

Get the description of a pipeline component

get_input_column_ref_data_type (...)
Signature: sourceColumnRef:DfInputColumnReference -> model:DfPipeline -> DfDataType

Gets the data type associated with a DfInputColumnReference

get_input_connections c
Signature: c:DfComponent -> DfInputConnection list

Get the input connections of a pipeline component

get_inputs c
Signature: c:DfComponent -> DfNamedEntity list

Get the inputs of a pipeline component

get_locale_id c
Signature: c:DfComponent -> int option

Get the locale id of a pipeline component

get_name c
Signature: c:DfComponent -> string

Get the name of a pipeline component

get_outputs c
Signature: c:DfComponent -> DfNamedEntity list

Get the outputs of a pipeline component

get_uses_dispositions c
Signature: c:DfComponent -> bool option

Get the uses dispositions flag of a pipeline component

get_validate_external_metadata c
Signature: c:DfComponent -> bool option

Get the validate external metadata flag of a pipeline component

has_named_output outputName c
Signature: outputName:string -> c:DfComponent -> bool

Valdates that a pipeline component has an output with the provided name

input_column_ref (...)
Signature: component:DfComponent -> outputName:string -> columnName:string -> DfInputColumnReference

Build a DfInputColumnReference from a pipeline component, the name of an output and the name of the output column

mutate_component fn name model
Signature: fn:(DfComponent -> DfComponent) -> name:String -> model:DfPipeline -> DfPipeline

Applies a mapping function to a single pipeline component within a DfPipeline instance, identified by pipeline component name

output_ref component outputName
Signature: component:DfComponent -> outputName:string -> DfOutputReference

Build a DfOutputReference from a pipeline component and the name of an output

set_description value c
Signature: value:string -> c:DfComponent -> DfComponent

Set the descripion of a pipeline component

set_locale_id value c
Signature: value:int option -> c:DfComponent -> DfComponent

Set the locale id of a pipeline component

set_name value c
Signature: value:string -> c:DfComponent -> DfComponent

Set the name of a pipeline component

set_uses_dispositions value c
Signature: value:bool option -> c:DfComponent -> DfComponent

Set the uses dispositions flag of a pipeline component

set_validate_external_metadata value c
Signature: value:bool option -> c:DfComponent -> DfComponent

Set the validate external metadata flag of a pipeline component

translate_data_type (...)
Signature: dt:CfDataType -> codepage:int -> length:int -> precision:int -> scale:int -> T

Translates a CfDataType into the equivalent DfDataType

update_component c
Signature: c:DfComponent -> DfPipeline -> DfPipeline

Replaces a pipeline component within a DfPipeline instance by matching pipeline component name. No changes occur if the pipeline component name is not matched.