add_join_column column
Signature: column:DfLookupJoinColumn -> DfComponent -> DfComponent
Add a join column
Signature: DfLookupJoinColumn list -> DfComponent -> DfComponent
Add multiple join columns
add_output_column column c
Signature: column:DfLookupOutputColumn -> c:DfComponent -> DfComponent
Adds a column to the list of exposed output columns of the pipeline component
Signature: DfLookupOutputColumn list -> DfComponent -> DfComponent
Adds multiple column to the list of exposed output columns of the pipeline component
Signature: DfComponent -> DfComponent
Remove all defined columns
Signature: DfComponent -> DfComponent
Remove all join columns
Signature: DfComponent -> DfComponent
Remove all output columns
Signature: DfComponent -> string -> DfComponent -> DfComponent
Connects two pipeline components
Signature: string -> string -> DfComponent -> DfComponent
Connects two pipeline components
create name adapters
Signature: name:string -> adapters:(DfComponent -> DfComponent) list -> DfComponent
Create a new instance of a Lookup component and then apply a series of transformations
define_join_column (...)
Signature: sourceComponent:string -> sourceOutput:string -> sourceColumn:string -> referenceTableColumnName:string -> parameterIndexOption:int option -> DfLookupJoinColumn
Construct a new join column definition
define_output_column (...)
Signature: name:string -> referenceTableColumnName:string -> dataType:DfDataType -> truncationDisposition:DfOutputColumnRowDisposition -> DfLookupOutputColumn
Construct a new output column definition
Signature: DfComponent -> DfComponent
Disable the no match output
Signature: DfComponent -> DfComponent
Removes the connection, if any
Signature: DfComponent -> DfComponent
Enable the no match output
Signature: string
Defined name of the Lookup error output. Has to match SSIS internals.
Signature: DfComponent -> DfLookupConfiguration
Alias for ingress
Signature: DfComponent -> bool
Determines if the cache connection is enabled
Signature: DfComponent -> DfLookupCacheMode
Get the cache mode
Signature: DfComponent -> CfRef
Get the connection
Signature: DfComponent -> int
Get the default code page
Signature: DfComponent -> DfOutputColumnRowDisposition
Get the error row disposition
Signature: DfComponent -> DfLookupJoinColumn list
Get all join columns
Signature: DfComponent -> int
Get the memory limit for 64-bit execution
Signature: DfComponent -> int
Get the memory limit for 32-bit execution
Signature: DfComponent -> int
Get the no match cache percentage
Signature: DfComponent -> DfLookupOutputColumn list
Get all output columns
Signature: DfComponent -> string
Get the lookup data parameterised source specification, used when not in the full cache mode
Signature: DfComponent -> string
Get the lookup data source specification
Signature: DfComponent -> bool
Get the treat duplicate keys as errors flag
Signature: DfComponent -> bool
Get the status of the no match output
Signature: string
Defined name of the Lookup input. Has to match SSIS internals.
Signature: string
Defined name of the Lookup no match output. Has to match SSIS internals.
Signature: string
Defined name of the Lookup output. Has to match SSIS internals.
remap_join_column (...)
Signature: referenceTableColumnName:string -> sourceComponent:string -> sourceOutput:string -> sourceColumn:string -> c:DfComponent -> DfComponent
Relink an existing join column to a different upstream column
rename_output_column (...)
Signature: columnName:String -> newColumnName:string -> c:DfComponent -> DfComponent
Change the name of an output column
set_cache_connection_enabled flag
Signature: flag:bool -> DfComponent -> DfComponent
Set the cache connection enabled flag
set_cache_mode mode
Signature: mode:DfLookupCacheMode -> DfComponent -> DfComponent
Set the cache mode
set_connection conn
Signature: conn:CfRef -> DfComponent -> DfComponent
Set the connection
set_default_code_page codePage
Signature: codePage:int -> DfComponent -> DfComponent
Set the default code page
set_error_row_disposition value
Signature: value:DfOutputColumnRowDisposition -> DfComponent -> DfComponent
Set the error row disposition
set_join_coumns columns
Signature: columns:DfLookupJoinColumn list -> DfComponent -> DfComponent
Replace all join columns
set_max_memory_usage_mb_x64 value
Signature: value:int -> DfComponent -> DfComponent
Set the memory limit for 64-bit execution
set_max_memory_usage_mb_x86 value
Signature: value:int -> DfComponent -> DfComponent
Set the memory limit for 32-bit execution
set_no_match_cache_percentage value
Signature: value:int -> DfComponent -> DfComponent
Set the no match cache percentage
set_output_coumns columns
Signature: columns:DfLookupOutputColumn list -> DfComponent -> DfComponent
Replace all output columns
set_parameterised_source value
Signature: value:string -> DfComponent -> DfComponent
Set the lookup data parameterised source specification, used when not in the full cache mode
set_source value
Signature: value:string -> DfComponent -> DfComponent
Set the lookup data source specification
set_treat_duplicate_keys_as_errors value
Signature: value:bool -> DfComponent -> DfComponent
Set the treat duplicate keys as errors flag