
Namespace: Chimayo.Ssis.Ast.ControlFlowApi

API to support working with variables

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
clearExpression v
Signature: v:CfVariable -> CfVariable

Transform a CfVariable by removing any expression

create (...)
Signature: namespace:string -> name:string -> isReadOnly:bool -> raiseChangedEvent:bool -> value:'?8262 -> expr:string option -> CfVariable
Type parameters: '?8262

Construct a new CfVariable value where the value construction is delegated to CfData.create

createSimple qualifiedName value
Signature: qualifiedName:string -> value:'?8264 -> CfVariable
Type parameters: '?8264

Construct a new CfVariable value with the following properties: read-write, no expression, do not raise changed event.

createWithDataValue (...)
Signature: namespace:string -> name:string -> isReadOnly:bool -> raiseChangedEvent:bool -> value:CfData -> expr:string option -> CfVariable

Construct a new CfVariable value with explicit values for all properties

getAbsoluteName (...)
Signature: executableNameList:string list -> qualifiedName:CfVariableRef -> string

Produces the fully qualified SSIS path to a specific variable

getDataType variable
Signature: variable:CfVariable -> CfDataType

Get the data type of a variable

getExpression variable
Signature: variable:CfVariable -> CfExpression option

Get the expression assigned to a variable

getName v
Signature: v:CfVariable -> string

Get the name of the variable

getNameFromQualifiedName qualifiedName
Signature: qualifiedName:string -> string

Translates a string of the form '[namespace::]name' to 'name'.

getNamespaceFromQualifiedName (...)
Signature: qualifiedName:string -> string

Translates a string of the form '[namespace::]name' to 'namespace'. The namespace 'User' is returned if none is provided.

getQualifiedName variable
Signature: variable:CfVariable -> string * string

Get the namespace and name of a variable

getValue variable
Signature: variable:CfVariable -> CfData

Get the value of a variable

isReadOnly v
Signature: v:CfVariable -> bool

Get the value of the read only flag

link arg00
Signature: arg00:string -> CfVariableRef

Translates a string of the form '[namespace::]name' to an instance of CfVariableRef. If a namespace is not provided, the namespace 'User' is used.

raisesChangedEvent v
Signature: v:CfVariable -> bool

Get the value of the raises changed event flag

scopedReferenceToString arg00
Signature: arg00:CfVariableRef -> string

Translates a CfVariableRef to the form 'namespace::name'

setExpression expr v
Signature: expr:string -> v:CfVariable -> CfVariable

Transform a CfVariable by providing an expression

setName nameAndNamespace v
Signature: nameAndNamespace:string -> v:CfVariable -> CfVariable

Transform a CfVariable by providing a new namespace and name

setRaiseChangedEvent enabled v
Signature: enabled:bool -> v:CfVariable -> CfVariable

Transform a CfVariable by setting the raise changed event flag

setReadOnly enabled v
Signature: enabled:bool -> v:CfVariable -> CfVariable

Transform a CfVariable by setting the read only flag

setValue value v
Signature: value:CfData -> v:CfVariable -> CfVariable

Transform a CfVariable by changing the value