addConnectionStringExpression expr
Signature: expr:string -> CfConnectionManager -> CfConnectionManager
Transform a file connection manager definition by adding a property expression for the connection string property
addExpression targetProperty expr
Signature: targetProperty:string -> expr:string -> CfConnectionManager -> CfConnectionManager
Transform a file connection manager definition by adding a property expression
create (...)
Signature: name:string -> fileUsageType:CfFileUsage -> connectionString:string -> CfConnectionManager
Create a new instance of a file connection manager definition
Signature: CfConnectionManager -> string
Get the connection string
Signature: CfConnectionManager -> bool
Get the delay validation flag
Signature: CfConnectionManager -> CfFileUsage
Get the file usage type
setConnectionString connectionString
Signature: connectionString:string -> CfConnectionManager -> CfConnectionManager
Set the connection string
setDelayValidation delayValidation
Signature: delayValidation:bool -> CfConnectionManager -> CfConnectionManager
Set the delay validation flag
setFileUsageType fileUsageType
Signature: fileUsageType:CfFileUsage -> CfConnectionManager -> CfConnectionManager
Set the file usage type