addExpression expr exprs
Signature: expr:CfPropertyExpression -> exprs:CfPropertyExpression list -> CfPropertyExpression list
Add a new property expression to a list of existing property expressions
addPropertyExpressionDirect target expr
Signature: target:string -> expr:string -> CfPropertyExpression list -> CfPropertyExpression list
Create a new property expression definition and add it to a list of existing property expressions
createPropertyExpression target expr
Signature: target:string -> expr:string -> CfPropertyExpression
Create a new property expression definition
getExpressionPropertyText expr
Signature: expr:CfPropertyExpression -> string
Get the expression text from a CfPropertyExpression
getExpressionText arg1
Signature: CfExpression -> string
Get the expression text from a CfExpression
getTargetProperty expr
Signature: expr:CfPropertyExpression -> string
Get the target property